Creation Care Pt. 1 - The Creation Narrative

1. We all have some history with the creation narrative. What has been your previous conclusion about this narrative. In other words, what did you believe about God as creator? How did your previous understanding of this narrative impact how you lived in the world?

2. Did this podcast episode bring any new “dominant themes” to the forefront of your thinking about this narrative? (Chaos to Order, Rhythm, Sabbath, Wonder)

3. In what ways have you tried to ‘own’ this narrative? In what ways have you defended your previous understanding of this narrative?

4. Is it possible that you have to shed some previous understandings of this narrative?

5. We will certainly talk more about this over the course of this series but, how might these new understandings impact how you interact with others around you and how you interact with all of creation?

6. Each week in this series I will ask you to share on the topic of the same question. As you have been living in the world this week, moving through creation, how have you seen God at work in God’s creation?