Corporate Prayers for Peace

One: Creator God, who brought the cosmos from a state of chaos to order, we praise the work of justice that you accomplish from one end of the universe to the other.  Help us as we participate in your just work.

God of Peace…

Many: Hear our prayer.

One: Almighty God, who calms the waves and who created life giving systems on the earth.  Your peace is seen on the earth, from the largest mammal to the smallest seed.  Show us the ways in which we can put our consumerism aside so that the restorative work of creation can thrive. 

God of peace… 

Many: Hear our prayer.

One: God of ALL nations, we know of your care for all people on earth, but we often bring ourselves to conflict with one another.  Give us the courage to beat our “swords” into “plowshares.”  Turn our voices and actions from hate to love. 

God of peace…

Many: Hear our prayer.

One: Almighty God, through Jesus Christ you became one of us and lived among us, in community with us.  Aide us, as [Name of your community], as we draw close to our community in [name of your town].  Let us not ignore the tensions within our community, as if they did not exist, but rather dirty our hands as we give the gift of your peace to our community. 

God of peace…

Many: Hear our prayer.

One: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you model loving relationship within yourself.  Bring your love and peace to our families and our friendships.  Help us as we have difficult conversations, restore relationships that are broken, and celebrate with us, as we experience the beauty of loving and being loved.  

God of peace…

Many: Hear our prayer.

One: Sustainer God, although you hold the universe together, you also care for each one of us.  Often times, it is hardest to experience your peace within ourselves.  We are filled with inner turmoil and conflict.  Begin the work of peace in each of us.  Allow it to be a warm light that builds within us individually and extends to those around us. 

God of peace… 

Many: Hear our prayer.