Creation Care Pt. 4 - Sabbath

The discussion questions this week are less existential than normal. I have found, with Sabbath it’s not as much a matter of convincing people that rest is good. Everyone thinks rest is good, in theory. The problem seems to be developing a plan and the habit.

1. What are you current Sabbath practices? What rhythms do you have in place to make sure you aren’t just operating in the world as a consumer? What rhythms do you have in place to make sure you are practicing Sabbath on a regular basis?

2. Take some time to discuss how your consumption impacts everything around you. How does your business place more pressure on other people, or on other aspects of creation?

3. Be authentic with each other. Take some time to share about the areas where you are over extended. Share about the ways you feel like you are being taken advantage of. Share how you are being drawn out of healthy life rhythms.

4. Make a commitment with each other. What are you going to do to allow yourself, and everything around you, a time of Sabbath rest?

5. Each week in this series I will ask you to share on the topic of the same question. As you have been living in the world this week, moving through creation, how have you seen God at work in God’s creation?