Advent Part III

I wonder if we shouldn’t dig a little deeper this week. In the podcast I tried to get you to expand your view of salvation beyond personal/behavioral salvation toward a cosmic view which includes God’s redemption of everything. But, we should probably start with how we view it now.

1. What was the last thing you felt you needed salvation from?

2. Where are you at with that now? Was it behavioral? Has some resolution come to the issue?

3. Is there something you feel you need salvation from now?

4. How can your community support you?

5. If God is redeeming all things, then we probably have some work to do to identify the things God is saving that we previously wouldn’t have thought about. Spend some time brainstorming things that ‘couldn’t possibly be redeemed,’ and then spent some time reflecting on how God might bring salvation as Christ is born again in the world.